Marijuana (Cannabis indica aka. Cannabis sativa L. ssp. indica (Lam.) E. Small & Cronq.)


Division - Magnoliaphyta
Class - Magnoliopsida
Subclass - Hamamelididae
Order - Urticales
Family - Cannabaceae
Genus - Cannabis

Also known as Cannabis indica. There is some debate as to whether this is a separate species or a variety of Cannabis sativa. It has fatter leaves than the usual sativa. Since starting this project, I have not seen any C. sativa plants, but happened upon this indica plant by a parking lot. I would assume that someone parked there flicked a seed out their window while preparing marijuana for smoking.


The plant in the above pictures was spotted growing in the parking lot of Lowe's off Delaware Avenue. The plant below was found growing on Rodman Street, in the Community Garden flower bed just off Broad Street. The pictures were taken at dusk. By the time I returned to get a daylight shot, the plant had been removed.


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